
Program Addons

Enhance your learning with additions to your regular studies

Chat Buddy

You can greatly improve your English skills by signing up for our optional Canadian Chat Buddy program (max. 5 students per Buddy) which will help you to practice your conversational skills outside of the classroom and become familiar with Canadian life through a variety of social activities. The exact times and days for the program vary and you will meet with your Chat Buddy in your first week to determine which times are most suitable for your both. Through this program you will expand your conversation skills as you experience Canadian life and culture through direct contact and discussions with native language Canadian Chat Buddies. Most chat buddies are Canadian university students who have some teaching experience and are enjoy finding our about new cultures and peoples.

Volunteer Placement

Practice Your English While You Help Others

Enhance your studies and experience in Canada through volunteering. Immerse yourself in Canadian life by working side by side with locals, helping to better lives and communities.

Volunteering helps to round our your resume by complementing your academic and professional achievements and provides you with a unique opportunity to practice and improve your language skills in real world situations.

There are a wide variety of volunteer opportunities to participate in (from assisting the elderly to helping children learn and helping the environment). Your skills and interests are matched with volunteer opportunities where they most needed and from which you can most benefit. You can combine a volunteer placement with any Quest program of study for a small one time placement fee (please see our fee sheet).

Internship - for Working Holiday Visa Students Only

The Working Holiday Internship Program (WHIP) provides Working Holiday Visa holders the opportunity to combine any Quest English program with an internship work placement in an area that reflects their experience and interests.

Both paid and unpaid placements are available depending on the industry and the applicants experience and education. Placements are possible in numerous areas, including: Hospitality, Business Administration, Sales, Services and Information Technology.

Only International Experience Canada Working Holiday visa holders are eligible.
Minimum 4 weeks of intensive English is required prior to commencing work placement.