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Quest is an award winning school, fully accredited by Languages Canada and a government inspected Designated Learning Institution. Since our first lessons in July 1997, we have helped over 30,000 students achieve their goals.

As a family operated school, we take the success and overall satisfaction of our students personally. Our advantage lies in small class sizes, innovative programs and individualized attention backed by the best in systems, services and equipment to ensure every student an outstanding learning experience. Our success is your satisfaction. Read More About Us

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Full accommodation information is provided prior to arrival and we’ll follow up after arrival to ensure your happiness. 

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What Our Students Say

What Students Are Saying About Quest - Real Reviews, Real People.

Camacho Morales Jaime Omar
Camacho Morales Jaime Omar
Excellent school to improve your speaking and make new friends
이곳에서 3개월간 어학교를 다녔습니다.5점만점중 4.5점 드립니다.ㅁ수업 진행.문법수업을 꼭 들으셔야 실력이 늘어납니다. 영어문법에 자신있다고 하면 안들으셔도 됩니다. 기본적으로 문법수업에서 배운것을 회화반에서 스스로 어떻게든 사용하면서 실력을 키우는 시스템 입니다. 영어 자신없거나 초급자분들에게 좋습니다. 회화반의 1교시는 무조건 친구와 회화를 진행합니다. 이게 매우 좋았습니다. 또한 교과서를 앱이나 사이트로 볼수있으므로 모르는 단어를 매우 빠르고 쉽게 찾을수있습니다. 핸드폰만 있으면 어디서든 공부가 가능했습니다.ㅁ선생님제가 만난 선생님들은 매너가 좋았습니다. 엄격하지 않아서 분위기 좋게 공부가 가능합니다. 기본적으로 잘 가르치는선생님과 잘못가르치는 선생님이 있는데…. 잘 못가르치는 선생님 만나면 좀…. 별로입니다.ㅁ학생들워킹홀리데이나 어학연수로 놀러오는 사람이 많습니다. 젊은 사람이 많습니다만 나이있는 사람도 은근히 많습니다. 일본인과 한국인이 많고 각 나라별로 그룹지어 몰려다닙니다. 그리고 어느나라나 어느학원이나 같겠지만 10명중 1명은 성격이 안좋은 애들이 있으니 알아서 거르시길 바랍니다.ㅁ학업 분위기대학교 진학이나 영어공부에 뜻이 있는분들에게는 적합하지 않은 분위기입니다. 반대로 말하자면, 워킹홀리데이, 어학연수 하면서 이 나라를 즐기고 싶은분들에게는 좋은 분위기 입니다.ㅁ장소 및 편의성도시 한복판으로 교통이 좋아서 통학이 쉽습니다. 또한 어디 놀러가기도 좋은 위치라서 워킹홀리데이나 어학연수하며 추억을 만들고 싶은분들에게 적합합니다. 기본적으로 건물이 깔끔하고 좋습니다. 바로 앞에 은행과 대형마트도 있어서 점심시간에 사먹기도 좋습니다.ㅁ액티비티여러가지 액티비티들이 있습니다. 단, 학교신청해서 가는것보다, 그 정보만 참고해서 친구들 또는 혼자서 가는게 더 좋습니다.ㅁ그외 학업 팁예습 및 복습은 필수입니다.ㅁ장점회화 첫시간에는 재밌는주제로 회화하는 시스템입니다.가장 좋은 시스템중 하나 라고 생각합니다. 다른 어학원은 없는곳이 많았습니다.핸드폰 및 노트북으로 교재를 다운받아서 복습 및 예습이 가능합니다. 전 이것이 너무 좋았습니다. 저는 모르는 단어가 많은 초보자였습니다. 일일이 입력해서 검색하지 않고, 화면에서 바로 터치 검색해서 알수있는 환경이 너무 좋았습니다.또한 한국인 스탭이 있기에 안심이 됩니다.ㅁ제가 체험강의를 들었던 학원들Centre of English Studies (CES), OHC, ILSC, Hansa Language Centre, Bayswater Toronto이 학원들보다 퀘스트어학원이 좋았습니다.ㅁ요약ㅡ영어 초보자분들에게 적합.ㅡ일상생활 영어를 배우려는 분에게 적합ㅡ워킹홀리데이 및 어학연수로 캐나다를 즐기려는 분들에게 적합.ㅡ대학교 진학 에 뜻이 있는 분들에게는 부적합.ㅡ세계레벨에서 보자면 최고의 학교는 아니지만, 토론토 안에서는 최고의 어학원중 하나 입니다.
Sofia Torres Hernández
Sofia Torres Hernández
The best experience in Quest ! All the teachers are very prepared, the students are the most friendly and supportive, if you want to learn and make friends I recommend this course, I really enjoyed my time in Toronto ! 🫶🏽
Bibi Ross
Bibi Ross
Si estas buscando una excelente escuela de ingles en Toronto, QUEST es la mejor opción, tienen excelentes maestros, el área administrativa siempre te ayudan hacer más fácil tu estadía allá, Luis súper amable, siempre al pendiente de todos los estudiantes latinos.Todas los Maestros son increíbles pero Carolyn, la mejor, sin duda!! Es una persona hermosa, llena de alegría, creatividad, las clases siempre eran divertidas y explica de maravilla, hace unido el grupo, las horas pasan volando con ella.Les recomiendo contratar el HOME STAY directo con la escuela, porque te buscan hogares acogedores y no tan lejos, como lo hacen las agencias de México, Leo el mejor para encontrarte el Home Stay ideal.Estudie 2 meses alla, creo que fue poco tiempo, pero regrese muy contenta de la experiencia que vivi.
I finished school and i think good speaking programs. Teachers are good professional. They teach so kind. Korean girl name Hoyeon i ask her every day and she is very very good!!!! Thank you!I make many international friends here. After study i learned many! Thank you school and thank you teachers i will successful future!!
영어를 처음배워보는 저도 영어에대한 자신감 많이얻었어요!! 선생님들도 너무 미인미남이시고 모르면 알기쉽게 차분하게 천천히 설명해주세요. 여러나라 친구들 사귀기도 좋고 특히 한국매니저쌤 너무 이쁘시고 친절하시고 사적인일도 학원일도 많이 도와주싶니다!!! 여러학원 트라이얼했다가 퀘스트 선택해서 연장까지하고 진짜 추천해요!!!
훌륭한 어학연수를 경험했습니다.영어권 나라에 처음 와봤는데 영어 실력과 자신감까지 얻게되어서 너무나 감사한 마음입니다.
kevin duvan preciado v
kevin duvan preciado v
Im so grateful to had the opportunity to study on Quest languages and studies.I had an amazing experience at this language school! The atmosphere is perfect for learning, and the cultural exchange opportunities are amazing. Not only did I improve my language skills, but I also had the chance to meet people from all over the world, making many great memories along the way and have a good friendship learning about their cultures and having a greatly adventures.The staff and teachers are the best And specially to Luis Vasquez, whose dedication, patience, and teaching skills made a real difference in my learning journey. The entire team, from the administrative staff to the professors, were incredibly supportive and always ready to help.If you’re looking for a place that goes beyond just teaching a language and offers a welcoming, fun, and educational environment, this is the school for you. Highly recommended!
Sergio Fuentes Hernandez
Sergio Fuentes Hernandez
La mejor experiencia de mi vida fue en Quest, muy buenas actividades, excelentes profesores, hice muy buenos amigos de diferentes partes del mundo, el staff de la escuela siempre fue amable y atento, fue una experiencia increíble.
Maria Isabel gomez Duque
Maria Isabel gomez Duque
Quiero compartir con ustedes que mi experiencia en Quest fue grandiosa, que nivel de escuela y de sus profesores, los profesores son impecables en sus clases, tienen reglas muy claras y las aplican a los estudiantes, lo que genera un aprendizaje mas rápido para todos los que queremos aprobar nuestro ingles y que sea mas fluido, mil gracias a Luis Vásquez por su compromiso a diario con todos nosotros, sin palabras el respaldo con su comunidad latina, definitivamente un lugar en Toronto que vale la pena disfrutar. Gracias por todo lo aprendido. Volvería a repetir mi experiencia.
Wendy Estephanía Contreras Beltrán
Wendy Estephanía Contreras Beltrán
No tengo palabras para describir mi experiencia en Quest… ¡Fue increíble! Cada clase fue especial, cada maestro es tan amable y dedicado con su clase, el staff siempre está para apoyarte en todo, hice tan bonitas amistades que durarán por siempre. Tanto las clases como las actividades que organizan fuera de horario de clase te permiten integrarte de una manera orgánica con cada uno de tus compañeros que después se vuelven tus grandes amigos.Si están buscando una escuela de inglés, ampliamente les recomiendo Quest. En mi curso yo tomé clases de grammar y oral con electivas por 6 meses y fue la mejor decisión, cada una de mis clases se complementaban totalmente, puedo decir que quedé muy satisfecha con mi aprendizaje. 😊Si tienes oportunidad de entrar a Quest, ¡No la desaproveches!🤓Richard es mi maestro favorito, por cierto. 😊
Mi experiencia en Quest estuvo llena no solo de lecciones de inglés sino de actividades memorables outdoor en las que pude conectar con personas estupendas de Japón y Surcorea mayoritariamente. El staff de profesores y líderes es muy variado, cada uno con sus propias metodologias de enseñanza que con el pasar de los días tienen su efecto en el proceso de aprendizaje.Mención especial a Caroline por su hermosa energía que me despertaba siempre y a Luis por su escucha y por garantizar que su nicho de estudiantes latinos se sienta cómodo en el proceso todo el tiempo.
Rafaela Hoelzel Wickert
Rafaela Hoelzel Wickert
Since the first time I walked into that building, I felt welcome and safe. The school is great, full of people ready to learn and efficient and kind employees. I couldn’t have chosen a better place to study. They have an amazing organization with different and dynamic classes.
Response from the owner: Hello Rafaela, thank you so much for choosing Quest and we were so delighted to have you here with us. We wish you all the best in your future endeaor!
Rafael Taveira
Rafael Taveira
The best choice I ever made was studying at Quest! My experience there was simply the best I could have had.I really miss everyone there. They always care about the students’ experience and the entire study and learning process there. All the activity options they chose for the students are AMAZING and cheap.Thank you Charmaine, Richard and Leticia for always being there to help me when I needed it. I’ll always be grateful for everything you did for me. Love you all
Response from the owner: Thank you for your feedback Rafael. We’re happy to hear from you and your journey at Quest. It was a pleasure to have you studying with us!
Renata Vidal
Renata Vidal
My experience in Quest Language Studies was amazing and incredible. The contacts with others culture, other people helped me to speak more and improved my English.
Response from the owner: Thank you for your feedback Renata. We are happy to hear from you. It was a pleasure to have you studying with us!
Dayse Mota Melo
Dayse Mota Melo
Muito Proveitosa 🤩, gostei muito da minha experiência. Todos muito atenciosos.
Response from the owner: Thank you for your feedback Dayse. It was a pleasure to have you studying with us!
Ricardo Colunga López
Ricardo Colunga López
Quest is an excellent school, the teachers and staff always help you to improve your language, also you can to meet new people to different countries
Response from the owner: Thank you for your feedback Ricardo. It was a pleasure to have you studying with us!
Karam Park
Karam Park
Best communication academy in canada
Elizana Silva
Elizana Silva
Simplesmente amei.. escola que super recomendo..sem dúvidas ❤️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Response from the owner: Thank you for your feedback Elizana. It was a pleasure to have you studying with us!
Sávio Farias
Sávio Farias
Couldn’t ask for a better English school in the whole world. I had an amazing experience there. I miss everybody from Quest. From the teachers to the activity leaders, I’ll keep the memories close to my heart ❤️
Response from the owner: Thank you Sávio. It was a pleasure to have you studying with us!
Flávia Damasio
Flávia Damasio
A Quest foi um divisor de águas em relação ao inglês. Eu morria de medo de fazer um intercâmbio mas nos primeiros minutos na Quest o medo foi embora e vi o quanto eles tornariam mais “facil” meus estudos lá. Eles fazem de tudo pra que vc se sinta acolhido, as instruções são claras, o ensino é dinamico, tem atendimento no seu idioma caso precise, enfim, uma escola realmente diferenciada.Não posso deixar de ressaltar 2 pessoas que foram fantasticas comigo e merecem um reconhecimento especial: a Leticia, que foi muito paciente, atenciosa e me ajudou em absolutamente tudo quando eu tive problemas com um documento. Realmente ela fez toda a diferença naquele momento que já estava sendo tão dificil pra mim.A outra é a prof. Sujata. Que professora INCRIVEL!!!! Sempre paciente, tentando tirar nosso melhor em todo o tempo, tornando a aula leve, divertida e dando o máximo de si pelo nosso aprendizado. Enfim, eu amei a Quest e indico muito!!!!
Response from the owner: Thank you for the feedback Flávia. It was a pleasure to have you at Quest!!
Great place to learn English and meet people from many countries
여기서 3개월 간 App course 수강 했었습니다. 좋은 교사와 정말 좋은 교육 시스템을 갖추고 있습니다. 특히 지루할 수도 있는 아카데믹한 영어 수업도 정말 재미있게 들을 수 있습니다. 영어 실력 향상을 원하시면 이곳을 반드시 추천해드립니다.
Response from the owner: We are glad to hear that you had a great time with us at Quest. We wish you the very best in your future endeavour!
Toronto visitor
Toronto visitor
A very good language school, with good teachers and interesting classroom atmosphere, makes learning English no longer boring. Most students in the school are Japanese, as well as some Koreans and Mexicans. In the school, we can only speak English, which is very helpful to improve! Love Quest!
Joel Santos
Joel Santos
Great English school…
Filipe JCH
Filipe JCH
Super ! Test au début puis six semaines de préparation pour avoir le TOEIC. Bonne ambiance avec les professeurs.
Dzul Erica
Dzul Erica
I loved it !! Had a great time!! Amazing teachers 💕💕💕💕
Ken Gardner
Ken Gardner
Quest is a family-owned and managed school. The owners are very actively involved in the success of their students!
Rikako Yoshida
Rikako Yoshida
The best school🤩
I’ve been there for a year and it was the best experience in my life!!!!!
I met amazing teachers, staffs and friends there!
Thank you for everything❤️
Rodrigo Quintairos
Rodrigo Quintairos
Best teachers in Toronto!!
Carly Tanko
Carly Tanko
Larissa Maia
Larissa Maia
I came to this school to prepare myself for a College test. All the school’s efforts were made for my aproval. I’d like to thank for all english skills that i achieved in this school. I’m studying now just to complete my english program here and when i finish i’ll go back to Brazil. I’ll move to Canada to start my college next year. I am so glad and thankfull for this time here at Quest in Toronto. The learning methodology and teaching materials are really nice. Also, in my opinion, the teacher’s team catchs my attention with their intelectual preparation, dynamics and simphaty. They’re very funny and we end up learning easly. Quest team encourages us to do our best all the time. THANK YOU Quest for everything you do for me. I will never fotget these moments.
Fabinho Veiga
Fabinho Veiga
I loved study in Quest the teachers are great also the staff… I felt welcomed.
The class was awesome and I had improved my English as much as could.

Definitely I’ll miss it…

Thanks Quest….
Daniel Ferreira Caldas
Daniel Ferreira Caldas
I had incredible moments there! All teachers and staff are very helpfull! My classes with Charmaine were always interesting and I learned a lot! Thanks for everything Quest!
Marcos Zardi
Marcos Zardi
I studied at Quest for one month and I have no words to say how amazing was that experience. The teachers are very kind and they know exactly how to teach English. I could improve my English in a very short time!!!If you are looking for a good school in Toronto, I’m sure that Quest is the best place. Excellent location and infrastructure.I love you Quest!!!
Orlando Barrera
Orlando Barrera
The best school to learn or improve your English ! I studied at Quest for 6 month and my experience there was amazing. The teachers, the staff, classrooms are amazing!! The location of Quest is in a good area of the city also they have activities every days that you can enjoy the city! Thanks to Quest for this amazing experience. Definitely i recommend it and if I have another chance of course I choose quest again!
Débora Moura
Débora Moura
Great School! I studied at Quest for 1 month and i really enjoyed the experience. Quest offers good facilities and it is located in a good area of the city what allows us to enjoy the rest of the day visiting famous places of Toronto. My teachers were so good that although my shyness they let me comfortable enough to participate in class what helped me a lot to improve my english skills. Thanks to Quest and to Continentes Viagens(my travel agency in Brazil) for this trip and life experience. It was unforgettable and i recommend it.
Response from the owner: Thank you, Debora! It was a pleasure to have you here!
Débora Moura
Débora Moura
Great School! I studied at Quest for 1 month and i really enjoyed the experience. Quest offers good facilities and it is located in a good area of the city what allows us to enjoy the rest of the day visiting famous places of Toronto. My teachers were so good that although my shyness they let me comfortable enough to participate in class what helped me a lot to improve my english skills. Thanks to Quest and to Continentes Viagens(my travel agency in Brazil) for this trip and life experience. It was unforgettable and i recommend it.
Suraj Chaudhary
Suraj Chaudhary
I started with $500 and I’m earning up to $6,000 weekly now, all thanks goes to Mr JONSON HUNG an account manager with a proper trading strategy.
To all investors out there many of us are looking for a trusted account manager to trade with I recommend Mr JONSON HUNG.
Contact Mr JONSON via
whatsapp +33751126195
. for help…
Monica Imparato
Monica Imparato
Good school. Good teachers. I recommend.
Alexia Monge Reyes
Alexia Monge Reyes
The best school without doubt. All the staff is amazing, they create an atmosphere full of respect for all cultures. During the time I spent here I was very happy, I couldn’t have learned more in another place, it was the best experience of my life ❤️
ebenezer teixeira (BEN)
ebenezer teixeira (BEN)
In my opinion this school is sensational and the team fantastic.I highlight Luka and Robb.Amazing course.Ben
Noronha Júnior
Noronha Júnior
Quest was one of the best experiences I had in Toronto. A school with an excellent team of highly qualified teachers and a fantastic staff. All classes are very well done and Brian’s activities are great! A place of learning, where I met incredible people and made friendships that will last forever!
Natália Ávila
Natália Ávila
I couldn’t have chosen a better school. The teachers are incredible and they really make learning fun and exciting. The staff are some of the nicest people I’ve met. I’m forever grateful for all the memories I’ve made and the great friends I’ve met. Thank you Quest!!
Camilla Battistoni
Camilla Battistoni
When I was studying there I felt so happy, all the time! A lot of friends, great teachers and nice people that work there at the administration and at the reception. Was the best experience I’ve ever had! The Halloween and the Christmas will be always on my memories, was the best 3 months of my life! ❤️❤️
Karen Padilla
Karen Padilla
All the teachers are so good and the activities are so fun!
Everton Duarte
Everton Duarte
I studied at Quest for four weeks and It has been one of the best experience in my life. The teachers were so good and funny…Brian (Activity Coordination) is the best Soccer player in School 😂😂
Felipe Martins
Felipe Martins
It’s been such a good experience and great time in Quest!
I really strongly recommend it to all international students!!!
Osny Netto
Osny Netto
Its a very good school and they really care about each student. The classes are very dynamic and fun, and people are very friendly with each other.
Karla Dutra
Karla Dutra
At Quest i felt very welcome. I’m very happy for being here. Every day we make new friends here. Thank you, Quest
Fernando Malgueiro
Fernando Malgueiro
I am very pleased to have chosen Quest as a school in this first moment of life in Canada. The teachers and staff are awesome in a very welcoming environment and with the opportunity to meet new people from all over the world.
Onassis Junior
Onassis Junior
Parabéns a todos da Quest que estiveram presentes na palestra realizada no Hotel Blue Tree Manaus. Sucesso a todos.
Italia RT
Italia RT
Great teachers! I will always remember Quest!
Sara Feitosa
Sara Feitosa
My best choice. I am grateful. I recomend This School.
I truly recommend this language school if you ‘d like to get a chance to talk with people from all around the world and learn their culture. Staffs and teachers are ardent and respectful to students(at least people whom i met). The atmosphere of this school is warm and peaceful. If you are a conative person, you’ll get a lot of help in speaking.
Rodrigo Corrêa
Rodrigo Corrêa
I don’t have words to describe my experience at Quest. But I’ll try.
That was an amazing time for me. Teachers and the staff were incredibles and helped me all the time. I really improved my English and I had a chance to meet another people, sharing great moments.
I hope see you soon in another opportunity.

What People Say

What people are saying about Quest - Real Reviews, Real People

Camacho Morales Jaime Omar
Camacho Morales Jaime Omar
Excellent school to improve your speaking and make new friends
이곳에서 3개월간 어학교를 다녔습니다.5점만점중 4.5점 드립니다.ㅁ수업 진행.문법수업을 꼭 들으셔야 실력이 늘어납니다. 영어문법에 자신있다고 하면 안들으셔도 됩니다. 기본적으로 문법수업에서 배운것을 회화반에서 스스로 어떻게든 사용하면서 실력을 키우는 시스템 입니다. 영어 자신없거나 초급자분들에게 좋습니다. 회화반의 1교시는 무조건 친구와 회화를 진행합니다. 이게 매우 좋았습니다. 또한 교과서를 앱이나 사이트로 볼수있으므로 모르는 단어를 매우 빠르고 쉽게 찾을수있습니다. 핸드폰만 있으면 어디서든 공부가 가능했습니다.ㅁ선생님제가 만난 선생님들은 매너가 좋았습니다. 엄격하지 않아서 분위기 좋게 공부가 가능합니다. 기본적으로 잘 가르치는선생님과 잘못가르치는 선생님이 있는데…. 잘 못가르치는 선생님 만나면 좀…. 별로입니다.ㅁ학생들워킹홀리데이나 어학연수로 놀러오는 사람이 많습니다. 젊은 사람이 많습니다만 나이있는 사람도 은근히 많습니다. 일본인과 한국인이 많고 각 나라별로 그룹지어 몰려다닙니다. 그리고 어느나라나 어느학원이나 같겠지만 10명중 1명은 성격이 안좋은 애들이 있으니 알아서 거르시길 바랍니다.ㅁ학업 분위기대학교 진학이나 영어공부에 뜻이 있는분들에게는 적합하지 않은 분위기입니다. 반대로 말하자면, 워킹홀리데이, 어학연수 하면서 이 나라를 즐기고 싶은분들에게는 좋은 분위기 입니다.ㅁ장소 및 편의성도시 한복판으로 교통이 좋아서 통학이 쉽습니다. 또한 어디 놀러가기도 좋은 위치라서 워킹홀리데이나 어학연수하며 추억을 만들고 싶은분들에게 적합합니다. 기본적으로 건물이 깔끔하고 좋습니다. 바로 앞에 은행과 대형마트도 있어서 점심시간에 사먹기도 좋습니다.ㅁ액티비티여러가지 액티비티들이 있습니다. 단, 학교신청해서 가는것보다, 그 정보만 참고해서 친구들 또는 혼자서 가는게 더 좋습니다.ㅁ그외 학업 팁예습 및 복습은 필수입니다.ㅁ장점회화 첫시간에는 재밌는주제로 회화하는 시스템입니다.가장 좋은 시스템중 하나 라고 생각합니다. 다른 어학원은 없는곳이 많았습니다.핸드폰 및 노트북으로 교재를 다운받아서 복습 및 예습이 가능합니다. 전 이것이 너무 좋았습니다. 저는 모르는 단어가 많은 초보자였습니다. 일일이 입력해서 검색하지 않고, 화면에서 바로 터치 검색해서 알수있는 환경이 너무 좋았습니다.또한 한국인 스탭이 있기에 안심이 됩니다.ㅁ제가 체험강의를 들었던 학원들Centre of English Studies (CES), OHC, ILSC, Hansa Language Centre, Bayswater Toronto이 학원들보다 퀘스트어학원이 좋았습니다.ㅁ요약ㅡ영어 초보자분들에게 적합.ㅡ일상생활 영어를 배우려는 분에게 적합ㅡ워킹홀리데이 및 어학연수로 캐나다를 즐기려는 분들에게 적합.ㅡ대학교 진학 에 뜻이 있는 분들에게는 부적합.ㅡ세계레벨에서 보자면 최고의 학교는 아니지만, 토론토 안에서는 최고의 어학원중 하나 입니다.
Sofia Torres Hernández
Sofia Torres Hernández
The best experience in Quest ! All the teachers are very prepared, the students are the most friendly and supportive, if you want to learn and make friends I recommend this course, I really enjoyed my time in Toronto ! 🫶🏽
Bibi Ross
Bibi Ross
Si estas buscando una excelente escuela de ingles en Toronto, QUEST es la mejor opción, tienen excelentes maestros, el área administrativa siempre te ayudan hacer más fácil tu estadía allá, Luis súper amable, siempre al pendiente de todos los estudiantes latinos.Todas los Maestros son increíbles pero Carolyn, la mejor, sin duda!! Es una persona hermosa, llena de alegría, creatividad, las clases siempre eran divertidas y explica de maravilla, hace unido el grupo, las horas pasan volando con ella.Les recomiendo contratar el HOME STAY directo con la escuela, porque te buscan hogares acogedores y no tan lejos, como lo hacen las agencias de México, Leo el mejor para encontrarte el Home Stay ideal.Estudie 2 meses alla, creo que fue poco tiempo, pero regrese muy contenta de la experiencia que vivi.
I finished school and i think good speaking programs. Teachers are good professional. They teach so kind. Korean girl name Hoyeon i ask her every day and she is very very good!!!! Thank you!I make many international friends here. After study i learned many! Thank you school and thank you teachers i will successful future!!
영어를 처음배워보는 저도 영어에대한 자신감 많이얻었어요!! 선생님들도 너무 미인미남이시고 모르면 알기쉽게 차분하게 천천히 설명해주세요. 여러나라 친구들 사귀기도 좋고 특히 한국매니저쌤 너무 이쁘시고 친절하시고 사적인일도 학원일도 많이 도와주싶니다!!! 여러학원 트라이얼했다가 퀘스트 선택해서 연장까지하고 진짜 추천해요!!!
훌륭한 어학연수를 경험했습니다.영어권 나라에 처음 와봤는데 영어 실력과 자신감까지 얻게되어서 너무나 감사한 마음입니다.
kevin duvan preciado v
kevin duvan preciado v
Im so grateful to had the opportunity to study on Quest languages and studies.I had an amazing experience at this language school! The atmosphere is perfect for learning, and the cultural exchange opportunities are amazing. Not only did I improve my language skills, but I also had the chance to meet people from all over the world, making many great memories along the way and have a good friendship learning about their cultures and having a greatly adventures.The staff and teachers are the best And specially to Luis Vasquez, whose dedication, patience, and teaching skills made a real difference in my learning journey. The entire team, from the administrative staff to the professors, were incredibly supportive and always ready to help.If you’re looking for a place that goes beyond just teaching a language and offers a welcoming, fun, and educational environment, this is the school for you. Highly recommended!
Sergio Fuentes Hernandez
Sergio Fuentes Hernandez
La mejor experiencia de mi vida fue en Quest, muy buenas actividades, excelentes profesores, hice muy buenos amigos de diferentes partes del mundo, el staff de la escuela siempre fue amable y atento, fue una experiencia increíble.
Maria Isabel gomez Duque
Maria Isabel gomez Duque
Quiero compartir con ustedes que mi experiencia en Quest fue grandiosa, que nivel de escuela y de sus profesores, los profesores son impecables en sus clases, tienen reglas muy claras y las aplican a los estudiantes, lo que genera un aprendizaje mas rápido para todos los que queremos aprobar nuestro ingles y que sea mas fluido, mil gracias a Luis Vásquez por su compromiso a diario con todos nosotros, sin palabras el respaldo con su comunidad latina, definitivamente un lugar en Toronto que vale la pena disfrutar. Gracias por todo lo aprendido. Volvería a repetir mi experiencia.
Wendy Estephanía Contreras Beltrán
Wendy Estephanía Contreras Beltrán
No tengo palabras para describir mi experiencia en Quest… ¡Fue increíble! Cada clase fue especial, cada maestro es tan amable y dedicado con su clase, el staff siempre está para apoyarte en todo, hice tan bonitas amistades que durarán por siempre. Tanto las clases como las actividades que organizan fuera de horario de clase te permiten integrarte de una manera orgánica con cada uno de tus compañeros que después se vuelven tus grandes amigos.Si están buscando una escuela de inglés, ampliamente les recomiendo Quest. En mi curso yo tomé clases de grammar y oral con electivas por 6 meses y fue la mejor decisión, cada una de mis clases se complementaban totalmente, puedo decir que quedé muy satisfecha con mi aprendizaje. 😊Si tienes oportunidad de entrar a Quest, ¡No la desaproveches!🤓Richard es mi maestro favorito, por cierto. 😊
Mi experiencia en Quest estuvo llena no solo de lecciones de inglés sino de actividades memorables outdoor en las que pude conectar con personas estupendas de Japón y Surcorea mayoritariamente. El staff de profesores y líderes es muy variado, cada uno con sus propias metodologias de enseñanza que con el pasar de los días tienen su efecto en el proceso de aprendizaje.Mención especial a Caroline por su hermosa energía que me despertaba siempre y a Luis por su escucha y por garantizar que su nicho de estudiantes latinos se sienta cómodo en el proceso todo el tiempo.
Rafaela Hoelzel Wickert
Rafaela Hoelzel Wickert
Since the first time I walked into that building, I felt welcome and safe. The school is great, full of people ready to learn and efficient and kind employees. I couldn’t have chosen a better place to study. They have an amazing organization with different and dynamic classes.
Response from the owner: Hello Rafaela, thank you so much for choosing Quest and we were so delighted to have you here with us. We wish you all the best in your future endeaor!
Rafael Taveira
Rafael Taveira
The best choice I ever made was studying at Quest! My experience there was simply the best I could have had.I really miss everyone there. They always care about the students’ experience and the entire study and learning process there. All the activity options they chose for the students are AMAZING and cheap.Thank you Charmaine, Richard and Leticia for always being there to help me when I needed it. I’ll always be grateful for everything you did for me. Love you all
Response from the owner: Thank you for your feedback Rafael. We’re happy to hear from you and your journey at Quest. It was a pleasure to have you studying with us!
Renata Vidal
Renata Vidal
My experience in Quest Language Studies was amazing and incredible. The contacts with others culture, other people helped me to speak more and improved my English.
Response from the owner: Thank you for your feedback Renata. We are happy to hear from you. It was a pleasure to have you studying with us!
Dayse Mota Melo
Dayse Mota Melo
Muito Proveitosa 🤩, gostei muito da minha experiência. Todos muito atenciosos.
Response from the owner: Thank you for your feedback Dayse. It was a pleasure to have you studying with us!
Ricardo Colunga López
Ricardo Colunga López
Quest is an excellent school, the teachers and staff always help you to improve your language, also you can to meet new people to different countries
Response from the owner: Thank you for your feedback Ricardo. It was a pleasure to have you studying with us!
Karam Park
Karam Park
Best communication academy in canada
Elizana Silva
Elizana Silva
Simplesmente amei.. escola que super recomendo..sem dúvidas ❤️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Response from the owner: Thank you for your feedback Elizana. It was a pleasure to have you studying with us!
Sávio Farias
Sávio Farias
Couldn’t ask for a better English school in the whole world. I had an amazing experience there. I miss everybody from Quest. From the teachers to the activity leaders, I’ll keep the memories close to my heart ❤️
Response from the owner: Thank you Sávio. It was a pleasure to have you studying with us!
Flávia Damasio
Flávia Damasio
A Quest foi um divisor de águas em relação ao inglês. Eu morria de medo de fazer um intercâmbio mas nos primeiros minutos na Quest o medo foi embora e vi o quanto eles tornariam mais “facil” meus estudos lá. Eles fazem de tudo pra que vc se sinta acolhido, as instruções são claras, o ensino é dinamico, tem atendimento no seu idioma caso precise, enfim, uma escola realmente diferenciada.Não posso deixar de ressaltar 2 pessoas que foram fantasticas comigo e merecem um reconhecimento especial: a Leticia, que foi muito paciente, atenciosa e me ajudou em absolutamente tudo quando eu tive problemas com um documento. Realmente ela fez toda a diferença naquele momento que já estava sendo tão dificil pra mim.A outra é a prof. Sujata. Que professora INCRIVEL!!!! Sempre paciente, tentando tirar nosso melhor em todo o tempo, tornando a aula leve, divertida e dando o máximo de si pelo nosso aprendizado. Enfim, eu amei a Quest e indico muito!!!!
Response from the owner: Thank you for the feedback Flávia. It was a pleasure to have you at Quest!!
Great place to learn English and meet people from many countries
여기서 3개월 간 App course 수강 했었습니다. 좋은 교사와 정말 좋은 교육 시스템을 갖추고 있습니다. 특히 지루할 수도 있는 아카데믹한 영어 수업도 정말 재미있게 들을 수 있습니다. 영어 실력 향상을 원하시면 이곳을 반드시 추천해드립니다.
Response from the owner: We are glad to hear that you had a great time with us at Quest. We wish you the very best in your future endeavour!
Toronto visitor
Toronto visitor
A very good language school, with good teachers and interesting classroom atmosphere, makes learning English no longer boring. Most students in the school are Japanese, as well as some Koreans and Mexicans. In the school, we can only speak English, which is very helpful to improve! Love Quest!
Joel Santos
Joel Santos
Great English school…
Filipe JCH
Filipe JCH
Super ! Test au début puis six semaines de préparation pour avoir le TOEIC. Bonne ambiance avec les professeurs.
Dzul Erica
Dzul Erica
I loved it !! Had a great time!! Amazing teachers 💕💕💕💕
Ken Gardner
Ken Gardner
Quest is a family-owned and managed school. The owners are very actively involved in the success of their students!
Rikako Yoshida
Rikako Yoshida
The best school🤩
I’ve been there for a year and it was the best experience in my life!!!!!
I met amazing teachers, staffs and friends there!
Thank you for everything❤️
Rodrigo Quintairos
Rodrigo Quintairos
Best teachers in Toronto!!
Carly Tanko
Carly Tanko
Larissa Maia
Larissa Maia
I came to this school to prepare myself for a College test. All the school’s efforts were made for my aproval. I’d like to thank for all english skills that i achieved in this school. I’m studying now just to complete my english program here and when i finish i’ll go back to Brazil. I’ll move to Canada to start my college next year. I am so glad and thankfull for this time here at Quest in Toronto. The learning methodology and teaching materials are really nice. Also, in my opinion, the teacher’s team catchs my attention with their intelectual preparation, dynamics and simphaty. They’re very funny and we end up learning easly. Quest team encourages us to do our best all the time. THANK YOU Quest for everything you do for me. I will never fotget these moments.
Fabinho Veiga
Fabinho Veiga
I loved study in Quest the teachers are great also the staff… I felt welcomed.
The class was awesome and I had improved my English as much as could.

Definitely I’ll miss it…

Thanks Quest….
Daniel Ferreira Caldas
Daniel Ferreira Caldas
I had incredible moments there! All teachers and staff are very helpfull! My classes with Charmaine were always interesting and I learned a lot! Thanks for everything Quest!
Marcos Zardi
Marcos Zardi
I studied at Quest for one month and I have no words to say how amazing was that experience. The teachers are very kind and they know exactly how to teach English. I could improve my English in a very short time!!!If you are looking for a good school in Toronto, I’m sure that Quest is the best place. Excellent location and infrastructure.I love you Quest!!!
Orlando Barrera
Orlando Barrera
The best school to learn or improve your English ! I studied at Quest for 6 month and my experience there was amazing. The teachers, the staff, classrooms are amazing!! The location of Quest is in a good area of the city also they have activities every days that you can enjoy the city! Thanks to Quest for this amazing experience. Definitely i recommend it and if I have another chance of course I choose quest again!
Débora Moura
Débora Moura
Great School! I studied at Quest for 1 month and i really enjoyed the experience. Quest offers good facilities and it is located in a good area of the city what allows us to enjoy the rest of the day visiting famous places of Toronto. My teachers were so good that although my shyness they let me comfortable enough to participate in class what helped me a lot to improve my english skills. Thanks to Quest and to Continentes Viagens(my travel agency in Brazil) for this trip and life experience. It was unforgettable and i recommend it.
Response from the owner: Thank you, Debora! It was a pleasure to have you here!
Débora Moura
Débora Moura
Great School! I studied at Quest for 1 month and i really enjoyed the experience. Quest offers good facilities and it is located in a good area of the city what allows us to enjoy the rest of the day visiting famous places of Toronto. My teachers were so good that although my shyness they let me comfortable enough to participate in class what helped me a lot to improve my english skills. Thanks to Quest and to Continentes Viagens(my travel agency in Brazil) for this trip and life experience. It was unforgettable and i recommend it.
Suraj Chaudhary
Suraj Chaudhary
I started with $500 and I’m earning up to $6,000 weekly now, all thanks goes to Mr JONSON HUNG an account manager with a proper trading strategy.
To all investors out there many of us are looking for a trusted account manager to trade with I recommend Mr JONSON HUNG.
Contact Mr JONSON via
whatsapp +33751126195
. for help…
Monica Imparato
Monica Imparato
Good school. Good teachers. I recommend.
Alexia Monge Reyes
Alexia Monge Reyes
The best school without doubt. All the staff is amazing, they create an atmosphere full of respect for all cultures. During the time I spent here I was very happy, I couldn’t have learned more in another place, it was the best experience of my life ❤️
ebenezer teixeira (BEN)
ebenezer teixeira (BEN)
In my opinion this school is sensational and the team fantastic.I highlight Luka and Robb.Amazing course.Ben
Noronha Júnior
Noronha Júnior
Quest was one of the best experiences I had in Toronto. A school with an excellent team of highly qualified teachers and a fantastic staff. All classes are very well done and Brian’s activities are great! A place of learning, where I met incredible people and made friendships that will last forever!
Natália Ávila
Natália Ávila
I couldn’t have chosen a better school. The teachers are incredible and they really make learning fun and exciting. The staff are some of the nicest people I’ve met. I’m forever grateful for all the memories I’ve made and the great friends I’ve met. Thank you Quest!!
Camilla Battistoni
Camilla Battistoni
When I was studying there I felt so happy, all the time! A lot of friends, great teachers and nice people that work there at the administration and at the reception. Was the best experience I’ve ever had! The Halloween and the Christmas will be always on my memories, was the best 3 months of my life! ❤️❤️
Karen Padilla
Karen Padilla
All the teachers are so good and the activities are so fun!
Everton Duarte
Everton Duarte
I studied at Quest for four weeks and It has been one of the best experience in my life. The teachers were so good and funny…Brian (Activity Coordination) is the best Soccer player in School 😂😂
Felipe Martins
Felipe Martins
It’s been such a good experience and great time in Quest!
I really strongly recommend it to all international students!!!
Osny Netto
Osny Netto
Its a very good school and they really care about each student. The classes are very dynamic and fun, and people are very friendly with each other.
Karla Dutra
Karla Dutra
At Quest i felt very welcome. I’m very happy for being here. Every day we make new friends here. Thank you, Quest
Fernando Malgueiro
Fernando Malgueiro
I am very pleased to have chosen Quest as a school in this first moment of life in Canada. The teachers and staff are awesome in a very welcoming environment and with the opportunity to meet new people from all over the world.
Onassis Junior
Onassis Junior
Parabéns a todos da Quest que estiveram presentes na palestra realizada no Hotel Blue Tree Manaus. Sucesso a todos.
Italia RT
Italia RT
Great teachers! I will always remember Quest!
Sara Feitosa
Sara Feitosa
My best choice. I am grateful. I recomend This School.
I truly recommend this language school if you ‘d like to get a chance to talk with people from all around the world and learn their culture. Staffs and teachers are ardent and respectful to students(at least people whom i met). The atmosphere of this school is warm and peaceful. If you are a conative person, you’ll get a lot of help in speaking.
Rodrigo Corrêa
Rodrigo Corrêa
I don’t have words to describe my experience at Quest. But I’ll try.
That was an amazing time for me. Teachers and the staff were incredibles and helped me all the time. I really improved my English and I had a chance to meet another people, sharing great moments.
I hope see you soon in another opportunity.